Thursday 25 June 2015

Early steps

Items needed:
      Playing surface, pretty counters, mechanisms, ancillaries.

I want to be able to play in a variety of places, so the board will need to be reasonably portable and easy to store. So to will the ancillary scenery .3Foot square seems to be reasonable for this and fits in most rule set recommendations as well as behind furniture. It also subdivides nicely into 9 one foot squares, tiles would therefore give an easy basis for flexible scenery, Green for grassland and the basis for jungle.Sandy for desert, beaches, Reddish for arid areas, mars. Greys for urban, and interiors, All laid over a base blue.
     Pretty counters exist almost without number in 28mm and I am sure I will succumb to temptation, but the intention is to stick to the true scale of 1/72. Means I can utilise my existing terrain scenics and therefore eases storage.
   Mechanisms, I dont like rules because it leads to playing the Rules rather than the Game, witness db? or saga, wow etc. So will use Pulp Alley, no doubt with amendments gleaned from other rulesets, primarily because I like opposed throws and player interaction.
 Ancillaries, Scenery.etc. One of the major reasons for doing this is to impose some order on my painting and modelling, so intend to start with an overview/back story and a series of scenes, within a scenario.Build, paint, renovate repair the necessary then play and record.
      More on this next time.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

First steps

My wargames room is a mess, plastic piles, lead mountains, resin ramparts, and unfinished or unsorted projects fight for space. Being a logical gamer, I have conceived a master plan. I will start a new project.
    Rather than paint or make whatever catches my interest at the time, then hope to find a use. I intend to write a story line, then work out what is needed, and paint or build, finish and refurbish to suit.
  I host once a month, long enough to finish a project, but not too long to induce boredom.
Lets see how it works?